Adding file extensions to Dreamweaver
If you have found this post and reading, definitely you're in a situation where you need that one bizarre type of files to be handled by DreamWeaver. There are tons of template engines in the market and each one ideally have their own extension for templates, tpl, stpl, shtml and the list goes on. Open the file /Configurations/Extensions.txt under from your DreamWeaver installation directory. Add the extension which you need to the appropriate group there. A snapshot might look like the following: HTM,HTML,SHTM,SHTML,HTA,HTC,XHTML,STM,SSI,JS,AS, ASC,ASR,XML,XSL,XSD,DTD,XSLT,RSS,RDF,LBI,DWT,ASP, ASA,ASPX,ASCX,ASMX,CONFIG,CS,CSS,CFM,CFML,CFC,TLD, TXT,PHP,PHP3,PHP4,PHP5,TPL,LASSO,JSP,JSF,VB,VBS, VTM,VTML,INC,JAVA,EDML,WML,THTML,STPL:All Documents HTM,HTML,HTA,HTC,XHTML:HTML,STPL Documents SHTM,SHTML,STM,SSI,INC:Server-Side Includes JS:JavaScript Documents XML,DTD,XSD,XSL,XSLT,RSS,RDF:XML Files LBI:Library Files Once done with this file, locate the next extensions.txt which should be a...