
Showing posts from August, 2011

jQuery Select change event firing twice

Hmmm...nice one jQuery code: $('#my_dd').change(function(){      alert('hello') ; }) Surprisingly on change the alert was getting fired twice. Solution: Nothing much, this was more or less my ignorance, put the block inside document ready and everything should be fine Final code: $(document).ready(function(){      $('#my_dd').change(function(){          alert('hello') ;      }) }) Hope this helps anyone. Cheers

CodeIgniter, how to make some data from your database available throughout to all of your views

Huh, I know why you are here, welcome and all my compassion. I too spent 2 hours to get this out of the most popular light weight framework online documentation and huge fanbase. CI is more sweeter than a piece of Cake (;)), according to hardcore fans, but certainly their documentation is pain in the...well leave it. To the point: I want some data to be always available to all of my views regardless of which page I'm into in. For example it could be a drop-down of states in the right hand corner of my header menu. How do I do it? Solution: Create a helper file, say my_lil_helper.php and keep it under application/helpers. By the way you can do all the good things loosely, usually you do inside your controller, inside a helper. So it could be loading a model, a library, whatever. So you write a function there like this: function return_states() { //Model call to fetch data from db table and return return $state_array; } In you header file, all you have to do is, us...

Modal window generated, but not draggable, weired problem solved

These days I'm working with the jQuery UI toolkit and facing diversified problems which are quite silly in nature. For example today i was trying to implement modal windows using the UI toolkit, the window was getting generated but it was not draggable. A little investigation revealed that these libraries are not only dependent on other smaller building block files, but also on the order in which the files are included. I altered the following sequence: jquery.ui.draggable.min.js jquery.ui.mouse.min.js to jquery.ui.mouse.min.js jquery.ui.draggable.min.js And it worked like a charm. Hope this helps anyone facing similar problems. Cheers!

d(a).zindex is not a function

Can drive you crazy if it's really in form. Can fuse your every bit of good wits and you can start banging your forehead on your keyboard. To the point: Scenario: I was using jQuery UI datepicker. When I was generating the picker inline to a div, it was working correctly. But the moment I was binding it with a textfield, there you go:- d(a).zindex is not a function Which libraries were used in my header: 1) jquery.min.js 2) jquery.ui.datepicker.min.js The reason: I was selectively using just the datepicker portion from the entire UI library. And the problem was there itself. I overlooked the top portion of the jquery.ui.datepicker.min.js file which clearly stated this file had a dependency with jquery.ui.core.js Solution: I included jquery.ui.core.min.js (it could be jquery.ui.core.js either) among the scripts and there I was escaping the gravitational pull of the black hole namely 'd(a).zindex is not a function' Hope this helps somebody who i...