MySQL doesn't load up on Php info
Hello guys, Reading this? definitely had a bad time with AMP on Windows! Worry not. After installing AMP on Windows for the last 8 years for around 25 times, still I get those hiccups. I shall not tell you about the extension directory, about the path to the extension directory, about the possibility of multiple php ini files on your system, about the probability of you being not restarting your Apache or for that matter anything which thousands of posts out there suggests you while you, confounded, tensed and tired of this horrible problem is banging your head, having done all those things suggested by all those experts, still not being able to see the MySQL section on phpinfo(). Right, to the point now. Apache httpd conf needs to know where php is. You need to set the "PHPIniDir" with the proper path of PHP location on your system. Locate the httpd.conf file for your Apache configuration and add the above section in it. And if you have done the other things correctly, t...